We have extra flats of strawberries left! Please call or come by to claim today!
$30 a flat
Important information for 8th grade students and parents!
Happy Valentine's Day! don't forget the dance!
Love and support for the Falls family!
PreK, Kindergarten, and 8th grade graduation picture orders should be turned in by February 15, 2024.
Congratulations to Lilly Skidmore, Colton Sneed, Dakota Harris, & Nate Brady for being invited to play in the 1st annual MIDDLE SCHOOL ALL-STAR BASKETBALL GAME SHOWCASE which will be 2-10-24 @ McMinn County High School gym.
District Newsletter
Valentine's Dance!
Winter Formal for middle school grades was a success! Thanks to all who volunteered and to all who donated.
8th grade classes will be going to tour MCHS soon.
Good News Club will NOT meet today.
Tonight's Basketball Game is at Calhoun. We are invited to join them in their chili supper! See you there. Go Warriors!
Reminder: New drop-off and pick-up procedures for PreK students will begin January 3rd.
An 8th grade I/E group dissecting and pinning frogs for 7th grade to view for organ systems.
Happy Paraprofessional Day!
Coke and Candy sale tomorrow. Items $1.00-$2.00.
This Friday we will be honoring Veterans at Rogers Creek. Veterans who RSVP'd are invited for light refreshments in the teacher's lounge at 8:30. We will then have a program for the whole school at 9:00 A.M. Thank you to our Veterans!
Check out this free event!
Monday we will have a home basketball game starting at 12:00 against the Riceville Wildcats. Students will be able to purchase concessions during the game. Please help us make this a smoother process by filling out the order form and attaching money. Go Warriors!!
Moon Pies are here!