Look who is moving on to round 3!

Congratulations to our homerooms that advanced to the 2nd round!

Strawberries have arrived!

Strawberry delivery has been delayed. We will communicate pickups as soon as we know the new date and time.

We're excited to announce that Attendance March Madness kicks off this Monday! In this friendly competition, homerooms will advance to the next round based on their weekly attendance percentage. The homeroom with the best attendance each week will move on to the next round.
The March Madness Champion will win a pizza party, thanks to the generous support of the VEC Customers Share Grant.

Strawberry orders and money due when we return to school!

Please take a few minutes to complete our Family Engagement Survey! Your feedback helps us improve our support for families. Click here to take the survey: https://bit.ly/4jWFoWN - Thanks for your time!

Last day to turn in orders for cap and gown pictures is February 19th.

Parents and guardians often ask for tutoring resources. There is a new, online, fee-based tutoring service. The site address is

If you feel that your family needs help with Christmas gifts for our students, and haven't talked to Mrs. Emrey , please message her by November 1st, the deadline to submit names.

Let's have some fun by dressing up and winning prizes to celebrate Red Ribbon Week ! #daretobedrugfree

PreK-2nd grade students will be coming home with preorder forms for the concession stand to help with their orders for the noon basketball game Thursday. Please be on the lookout for these and return with money before Thursday. Thank you for your help with this!

Reminder: Before fall break we sent home letters inviting parents of 3rd graders to our 3rd grade parent meeting, which is tomorrow, Oct. 16th, at 4:00 p.m. We will discuss the new 3rd grade retention law and how it applies to your student. See you there!

Warriorfest is tomorrow! We will be selling concessions.

Rogers Creek Elementary School conducted a school-wide lock down drill this morning. There was no imminent threat at Rogers Creek. We are required to conduct multiple drills throughout the year. We are simply conducting our required drills to prep our students and staff in the event of an emergency.

Grandparents Day was grand!

We had a great turn out for Grandparents Day! Thanks for visiting us and being a great part of our student's lives.

We had a great turn out for Grandparents Day! Thanks for visiting us and being a great part of our student's lives.

We had a great turn out for Grandparents Day! Thanks for visiting us and being a great part of our student's lives.

We had a great turn out for Grandparents Day! Thanks for visiting us and being a great part of our student's lives.